P is for Peri
The Peri years are typically a very busy time for women.
With many roles to fill, life is often a juggle, and that juggle can be made a whole lot trickier when the hormonal shifts of Peri-menopause make day to day life a lot more challenging.
Suddenly we gain weight in places we never have before; we are hungrier, craving and always tired, and just don’t feel great.
The good news is that it is possible to take back control of your body, minus the extreme diets, restriction and deprivation.
The key is to understand what is going on and how the daily food choices we do make impact these hormonal systems, to help take back control of our energy, our body and ultimately our life.
This session is a must for any woman in her late 30’s, 40’s and 50’s who is keen to optimise health and well-being and become better equipped to handle the Peri years.

The High Performing Executive.
Optimal nutrition is the foundation for physical and mental performance.
Whether it is to optimise blood glucose control; build and sustain muscle mass; support cellular health and longevity or fuel short- or long-term performance goals, the daily food decisions of executives are one, largely controllable variable that can be targeted to support high performance.
Learn how to take control of your nutrition to optimally fuel the brain and the body, not as a program or a fad, but as a way of being, to ensure you are always at your best metabolically, cognitively and physically.

Eat better, feel better, live life better.
Good nutrition is not about knowledge or diet plans, rather it is about creating the nutrition systems in your life that make healthy eating a whole lot easier.
In this core keynote, learn from Susie Burrell how easy it is to take control of your nutrition amidst busy lives.
Learn why planning is key; what are the most important superfoods; how to eat out and still eat well and how to learn the art of juggling good health with good food.
This is the nutrition talk that takes the science of good nutrition ad translates it into practical strategies that make healthy eating, nutritional balance and weight management a whole lot easier.

Beating Burnout.
At the frantic pace in which many of us live life, is it any wonder so many of us are feeling burnt out?
Burn out os not only increasingly common but since few of us have the option of taking any time off from day to day life, we need practical strategies to help coach ourselves back to our best.
This session outlines the key indicators of both personal and professional burn out.
It shares a step by step approach to help you to replenish your energy both figuratively and from a food and nutrition perspective.
To create the mental space to reflect, re-prioritise and rebuild for better balance long term.
And to create the systems in busy life to protect you from burnout in the future.
Beating burnout is a must for anyone juggling two full time jobs on a daily base - at work and at home.

Supercharge Your Performance
with the latest science on peak performance.
Do you feel your best on a daily basis, or know that you could be doing a lot more with your baseline diet and exercise program to improve your energy, mood and performance on a daily basis?
This session will take you through the most up to date science on the lifestyle habits that support peak performance.
From fasting, to adaptogens to the nutritional basics many of us forget, if you know that ultimately peak performance comes down to our daily lifestyle habits, and you can improve yours, this seminar is for you.